Terms and Conditions

I understand that by Signing and Clicking the “Submit Information” button, I have read and accepted the terms & conditions stated on this page. The following terms and conditions are applicable for clients that have received an invoice from Mile Marker Life Media Inc. 


  • -Mile Marker Life Media Inc. is a digital marketing service that relies on the purchaser (You, the business owner/manager) to supply your existing or new static images and text (copyright) for your Business Directory Listing. 
  • -You will be given 2 business days to supply Mile Marker Life Media Inc. with these images and corresponding text (copyright). This will also be considered your membership start date, not the day you pay for your membership. 
  • – Mile Marker Life Media Inc. will then schedule your Digital Business Directory listing to go live, within 2 Business days of your final submission and start your Social Media Sharing (If option is chosen)
  • – In the event you do not submit any post on day 10, Mile Marker Life Media Inc. Will generate 1 simple post with text only: giving you business name, mile marker location, website (if public), phone number (if publicized). And a brief description, based on your business profile found on public spaces. And schedule this one post for all of the remainder of your membership. 
  • Mile Marker Life Media Inc. is committed to helping small business owners/managers expose their business to new potential customers through Social Media sharing, on the Mile Marker Life Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Instagram Page.
    6.1– Mile Marker Life Media Inc may share your business information on our main website: https://theMileMarkerLife.com, Our YouTube Channel, TikTok and future social media sites, for paid and unpaid purposes. 
  • The business owner/manager agrees- that your business is based in the Florida Keys (registered with Monroe County Tax Collector, with a Business Tax ID), with a physical presence to either provide a product or tangible service (you do not need a physical storefront, if you provide a service, ie. home based service business, you go to your customer)  to those that live or visit Monroe County Florida.
    7.1– Mile Marker Life Media Inc. will not tolerate investment advice companies/Independent contractors, insurance companies/independent contractors (Health, Property & Casualty, Business) that are based outside of the area, with only internet or phone access. No on-line storefront business, that does not have a registered Tax ID with the Monroe County Tax Collectors office. No refunds will be given to those that are removed, after the intake process. 

If you agree to the above terms of your membership please click the “Submit Information” button.